ac6-training, un département d'Ac6 SAS
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Operating Systems
ac6-training offers trainings on all the most popular embedded operating systems.
  • You can see detailed course category descriptions by using the carousel on top.
  • You can also click on category definitions in the briefs hereafter.

Android - Porting, tailoring and programming Google's Android OS

Porting, tailoring and programming Google's Android OS

The Android operating system, developped by Google and based on the Linux kernel, is used more and more frequently not only on smartphones but also for dedicated embedded devices, notably in the "Machine to Machine" market.

ac6-training  proposes trainings on the porting of the operating system on your board and its tailoring to your specific needs, as well as creating embedded applications running on the Android system.

Linux - Installing, programming and writing drivers

Installing, programming and writing drivers

Industrial applications are more and more often performed using an embedded version of Linux. In addition, the very specific environment in which run these systems sometimes make it necessary to adapt the Linux installation to the hardware environment.

Ac6-training trainings not only teach you how to build applications on embedded Linux, but also how to adapt the operating system to your hardware or environment when the need arises.

RTOS - Real-Time Operating Systems

Real-Time Operating Systems

As any other computer application, embedded systems must be tailored to the operating system they are running on. Furthermore the, usually quite specific, environment in which these systems will execute often require them to be adapted to their hardware environment.

ac6-training provides trainings to help you create embedded systems using a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) but also to tailor this RTOS to your needs if you have to.

Drivers - Ecriture de drivers pour les OS embarqués et temps réel

Ecriture de drivers pour les OS embarqués et temps réel

L'écriture de drivers (ou pilotes de périphériques) est une activité très importante, et souvent critique, en environnement embarqué.

Nous proposons des cours adaptés aux spécificités du développement de drivers en environnement embarqué, avec des exercices utilisant, chaque fois que nécessaire, des environnement de développement croisés et des cartes cibles industrielles.