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leftthintrapezium-20-0bb472 ac6 > ac6-training > Processors > NXP ARM > LPC21XX/LPC22XX microcontroller implementation Renseignements Télécharger la page Call us Ecrivez nous

NP1 LPC21XX/LPC22XX microcontroller implementation

This course covers NXP ARM-based MCU family

  • The course details the hardware implementation of the LPC2294 microcontrollers.
  • The boot sequence and the clocking are explained.
  • The training helps to become familiar with the development environment chosen by the customer.
  • Practical labs on integrated peripherals are based on I/O functions provided by NXP.
  • The course focuses on the low level programming of the ARM7TDMI core.
  • The course provides examples of internal peripheral software drivers.

  • Note that ACSYS does not sell emulation probes and IDEs. Consequently this course has not been designed to convince attendees to buy a particular IDE. The unique objective consists in providing sufficient knowledge to attendees so that they can successfully design a system based on LPC21XX/LPC22XX.

  • This course has been delivered several times to companies developing embedded systems, such as voltage counters.
A lot of programming examples have been developed by ACSYS to explain the boot sequence, the vector table and the operation of embedded peripherals.
•  They have been developed with 2 different IDEs : Keil and IAR.
•  Consequently for on site course, it is up to the customer to select the IDE under which labs will be run.
A more detailed course description is available on request at
  • This course provides an overview of the ARM7TDMI core. Our course reference cours R1 - ARM7/9 implementation details the operation of this core.
  • The following course could be of interest:
  • Cours théorique
    • Support de cours au format PDF (en anglais) et une version imprimée lors des sessions en présentiel
    • Cours dispensé via le système de visioconférence Teams (si à distance)
    • Le formateur répond aux questions des stagiaires en direct pendant la formation et fournit une assistance technique et pédagogique
  • Au début de chaque demi-journée une période est réservée à une interaction avec les stagiaires pour s'assurer que le cours répond à leurs attentes et l'adapter si nécessaire
  • Tout ingénieur ou technicien en systèmes embarqués possédant les prérequis ci-dessus.
  • Les prérequis indiqués ci-dessus sont évalués avant la formation par l'encadrement technique du stagiaire dans son entreprise, ou par le stagiaire lui-même dans le cas exceptionnel d'un stagiaire individuel.
  • Les progrès des stagiaires sont évalués par des quizz proposés en fin des sections pour vérifier que les stagiaires ont assimilé les points présentés
  • En fin de formation, une attestation et un certificat attestant que le stagiaire a suivi le cours avec succès.
    • En cas de problème dû à un manque de prérequis de la part du stagiaire, constaté lors de la formation, une formation différente ou complémentaire lui est proposée, en général pour conforter ses prérequis, en accord avec son responsable en entreprise le cas échéant.

Plan du cours

  • ARM core based architecture
  • ARM7 local bus
  • AMBA AHB/APB internal buses
  • The main three blocks : platform, core and input / output peripherals
  • APB Bridges
  • Memory mapping, internal flash (2294) and SRAM
  • Presentation of the core, architecture and programming model
  • Operating modes : user, system, super, IRQ, FIQ, undef and abort
  • Pipeline, calculation of the CPI
  • Effects of branches and exceptions on the performance
  • ALU data path
  • Parameterizing the linker to define sections
  • Branch instructions, implementation of C call and return statements, long branch veneers
  • ARM vs Thumb instruction sets, interworking
  • ARM instruction set
  • Inline barrel shifter
  • Access to memory-mapped locations, addressing modes
  • Arithmetical and logic instructions
  • Thumb instruction set, highlighting restrictions with regard to ARM instruction set
  • Compiler hints and tips, optimisations supported by RVCT
  • Stack management
  • Benefits of condition set capability in ARM state
  • C-to-Assembly interface, ATPCS specification
  • Reset
  • FIQ vs IRQ
  • Exception return instructions
  • Latency estimation, impact of load and store multiple instructions
  • Organization of the handler table, priority decoder, pre-emption and nesting
  • ISR header and footer routines
  • Development of a generic exception handler
  • JTAG interface
  • Debug facilities, hardware breakpoint
  • Executing code from RAM to take benefit of software breakpoints
  • Assigning a priority to each interrupt source
  • Steering external interrupts and local interrupts to either the core FIQ or IRQ
  • Developing a generic interrupt handler performing nesting according to peripheral priorities defined by the user
  • Integrated timers
  • Using timers to understand the operation of the VIC
  • Pin connect block
  • Clocking
  • Reset and wake-up timer
  • Low power modes
  • Watchdog timer
  • Real-Time clock
  • Organization
  • Erase sequence
  • Program sequence
  • In system programming via serial port
  • On-chip bootloader
  • Address decoding
  • Chip-select registers
  • Parameterizing the memory bank registers to support external burst flash
  • I2C basics
  • I2C controller
  • UART controller
  • SPI and SSP interfaces
  • CAN protocol basics
  • CAN controller (2294)