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IC4 PCI Express 3.0

This course covers PCI Express gen3 as well as gen1 and gen2

  • Packet switching benefits compared to shared buses are highlighted.
  • The course explains the various traffic types that PCI Express supports.
  • The use of virtual channels to match Quality of Service requirements is explained.
  • The course describes the discovery sequence required to initialize the switches.
  • The course details the various stages of the physical layer: 8b10b coding, scrambling, elastic buffer, clock recovery and link training sequence.
  • The new features of the revision 2.0 and revision 3.0 are described, especially the sequence used to change either the speed or the link width.
  • The course explains the new coding scheme used in PCIe 3.0.
  • Event report to the host CPU through legacy interrupts, MSI or MSI-X is studied.
  • Note that the course can be adapted to only cover PCIe 1.1 or PCIe 2.0.
  • A lot of trainings have been developed on particular PCIe implementations, see our courses on FPGAs and SoCs.

A more detailed course description is available on request at
  • Theoretical course
    • PDF course material (in English) supplemented by a printed version for face-to-face courses.
    • Online courses are dispensed using the Teams video-conferencing system.
    • The trainer answers trainees' questions during the training and provide technical and pedagogical assistance.
  • At the start of each session the trainer will interact with the trainees to ensure the course fits their expectations and correct if needed
  • Any embedded systems engineer or technician with the above prerequisites.
  • The prerequisites indicated above are assessed before the training by the technical supervision of the traineein his company, or by the trainee himself in the exceptional case of an individual trainee.
  • Trainee progress is assessed by quizzes offered at the end of various sections to verify that the trainees have assimilated the points presented
  • At the end of the training, each trainee receives a certificate attesting that they have successfully completed the course.
    • In the event of a problem, discovered during the course, due to a lack of prerequisites by the trainee a different or additional training is offered to them, generally to reinforce their prerequisites,in agreement with their company manager if applicable.

Course Outline

  • PCI bus limitations
  • The hub link bus
  • PCI-X
  • Solutions to increase the performance : differential transmission, packet switching
  • Topology
  • Data Link Control and Management State Machine
  • Transaction traffic types
  • Quality of Service
  • The physical layer
  • Configuration space
  • Switch logical view
  • Overview of the Physical layer, hightlighting the various units present in transmitter and receiver
    • Byte dispatching rules for multi-lane links
    • Purpose of scrambling
    • Elastic buffer operation
    • De-skew
  • 8-bit / 10-bit coding (2.5 Gbps and 5.0 Gbps)
    • Data Byte encoding
    • Control symbol utilization
    • DC-balance through running disparity
  • 128-bit / 130-bit coding (8.0 Gbps)
    • Block alignment, utilization of EIEOS
    • Clarifying how DC-balance is obtained
    • Framing tokens
    • Link equalization procedure
  • Link Training and Status State Machine [LTSSM]
    • Reset signalling
    • Lane reversal, polarity inversion
    • Detect state
    • Polling state
    • Configuration state
    • Recovery state
    • L0, L0s, L1 and L2 states
    • Disabled, Loopback and Hot Reset states
    • Testing the transmitter
    • Compliance load board usage
    • Testing the receiver
  • Interoperability criteria for 2.5, 5.0 and 8.0 Gbps
  • Jitter budgeting and measurement
  • Separate refclk architecture
  • Transmitter specification, phase jitter filtering
    • 5.0 Gbps transmitter margining
    • Measurement setup for characterizing transmitters
    • De-emphasis
    • Rise and Fall times
    • PLL bandwidth and peaking
    • 8.0 Gbps transmitter equalization coefficient range and tolerance
  • Receiver specification
    • Calibration channel characteristics
    • Return loss
    • Receiver compliance eye diagram
    • 8.0 Gbps post-processing procedure
    • Behavioural Rx equalization algorithms (CTLE, DFE)
  • Skew
  • Receiver detect
  • Low power modes, Beacon signal
  • Link state power management
  • Native PCI Express power management mechanisms
  • Relationship between function state and link state
  • Power budgeting capability
  • Slot power limit control
  • Dynamic Power Allocation
  • Operation of PCI-to-PCI transparent bridge
  • Packet routing by the address
  • Packet routing by the ID
  • Packet routed implicitely
  • Access Control Services
  • Alternative Routing ID
  • Multicast addressing
  • Counters / timers present in the transmitter and the receiver
  • Explaining the acknowledge protocol through sequences
  • Sizing
  • Cut-through switches
  • Introduction, traffic differentiation
  • VC arbitration
  • Port arbitration, switch model
  • Overview, transmit credit principle
  • Initialization, advertising infinite credits
  • Credit update frequency
  • Flow Control Packet
  • Optimized Buffer Flush / Fill message
  • Explaining the flow control protocol through sequences
  • PCI Producer / Consumer model
  • Relaxed ordering permitted by PCI-X
  • PCI Express transaction ordering rules
  • Highlighting these rules through examples
  • Interface clocking and reset
  • PHY-LINK interface signals
  • Elasticity buffer mode
  • Rx polarity
  • Selecting transmitter voltage levels
  • Rx status codes
  • Low power states
  • TLP format
  • Poisoning a TLP, error forwarding
  • Rules regarding read completions boundary
  • TLP prefix usage
  • TLP digest rules
  • Processing hints
  • PCI interrupt management
  • Transporting legacy interrupts through PCIe messages
  • Message Signaled Interrupts
  • Benefits of MSI-X
  • PCI-like error management
  • PCI Express basic error management
  • PCI Express basic advanced error management
  • Using completion status field to report an error
  • Accessing a device through a slot
  • Card attachement sequence
  • Hot-plug events
  • Root Complex event collector
  • PCI Express enumeration
  • New features of PCIe 2.0 and PCIe 3.0:
    • PCI Express Enhanced Configuration Access Mechanism
    • Device serial number capability
    • Root Complex link declaration capability
    • Root Complex internal link control capability
    • ACS extended capability
    • Multicast extended capability
  • Compliance lists
  • PHY layer tests, explaining the utilization of test fixtures CLB and CBB to test add-in Clarifying calibration procedures
  • Link layer and Transaction layer tests
  • Configuration space test
  • BIOS test
  • Protocol analyser / exercicer from Lecroy
  • Trace analysis